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I Am Woman ...

I Am Woman

I come in many shapes and colours.

I am soft and delicate, but nothing to play with.

I stand on my own two feet, I depend on one.

I am Woman, I am strong, beautiful, unique, a fighter and survivor.

I am Woman, irresistible, seductive, sexy, and voluptuous.

Yes I am.

I play many roles, Mother, Daughter, Aunt and Sister.

I’m bad and loving it.

Looking good like a Woman should I stand out like a skyscraper and stand strong like a house build with bricks.

I get a kick out of challenges, nothing holds me down.

I’m always ready for the next round.

I do need love from a good man, a man that’s not afraid to really be what a man should.

I am Woman seducing you with the swing of my hips, temptation at its best.

My soft curves and my beautiful tresses are longing for your soft caress.

I am defined by my mind not my beauty.

One look in my eyes and you are mesmerized by my strength, my dedication and strive to survive.

I’m a proud lover and achiever letting no one astray me from my ambition.

I’m more sensitive then the opposite sex, but I fight my battles and have won many wars.

I hold it down like no other, protecting my child from life’s evil.

Moulding him into his best physically and morally and I must say I look pretty good doing it.

Woman to Woman we go through a lot struggling to be treated as equal in society and in relationships.

We love hard with disregard of how we are sometimes treated.

We deserve the best and never the less we will always be Queens of our throne.

I am proud of my womanhood, I am proud of who I am.

Independent, strong willed, provider, nurturing and flamboyant of my style.

I love driving men wild.

Loving who I am every part of me.

I’m not perfected but I am a site to see.

I am Woman

Lorna Darden