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The Churchill Leadership Blog

The Winston Churchill Leadership Blog is designed to keep you up to date with all the great new pages, articles, downloads and changes that happen at Winston-Churchill-Leadership.com. By subscribing you will get access instantly to the latest leadership news plus fantastic Churchill facts, quotes and references.

Definition Leadership

Definition leadership? We look at 6 quite different leadership gurus and compare their definition of leadership

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A Timeline for the Life of Winston Churchill

A brief chronology, set out in timeline format showing the events and experiences of the 90 year life of Sir Winston Churchill

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Over 500 Inspirational Leadership Quotes

Huge collection of the best leadership quotes including: Aristotle, Bonaparte, Bennis, Drucker, Churchill, Covey, Carnegie, Eisenhower, Einstein, Machiavelli, Mandela, Montgomery, Peters, Porter......

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A Winston Churchill Biography

A short Winston Churchill biography that covers the man himself, his family, his hobbies, his schooldays, and his career before, during and after the second World War

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